Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Ellis Jones

British actor Ellis Peters in 'Pardon My Genie' with Hugh Paddick

Ellis Jones:

Here's a slightly elusive one. As an energetic and distinctively beaky young actor, Ellis pops up in a swathe of TV in the early '70s. These days he's a respected senior drama coach and creative bigwig at RADA, although he has continued to make sporadic appearances on our screens over the years.

In an episode of the BBC naval drama 'Warship'
With the late Ken Jones in an episode of Eric Chappell's
office sitcom, 'The Squirrels', from 1975

I particularly enjoyed his turn as the office ingénue in 'The Squirrels', an unfairly overlooked minor classic from the pen of 'Rising Damp' creator Eric Chappell. He also shows up in 'Warship', 'Z-Cars' and 'Doctor Who' (he is, in fact, the first person to appear in 'Doctor Who' in colour, in the opening Pertwee-era story, 'Spearhead from Space' in 1969) and a number of Shakespearean roles including the Fool in the Thames TV production of 'King Lear' with Patrick Magee, much shown in school English classes. 
In 'Spearhead from Space', the first Jon Pertwee story of 'Doctor Who'
In the 'Cadfael' mystery, 'A Morbid Taste For Bones'
So perhaps it's ironic that he's probably best remembered by many for playing the hapless Hal Adden (geddit) in 'Pardon My Genie' with Hugh Paddick as the crabby and obtuse spirit of the lamp, rather than for helping the acting careers of Tom Hiddleston, Ben Whishaw, Eve Best, Sally Hawkins, Gemma Arterton and Matthew Macfadyen, to name but a few.     

Ellis Jones-imdb


  1. Thanks for this, fellow-blogger! You can catch up on my more recent adventures at:

    All best wishes Ellis

  2. Hi! Apologies for such a late response to this item but I've just stumbled upon the site quite by accident. Anyway, the reason I'm here is that I've just watched an Episode of the 60's series " It's Dark Outside" entitled "Speak ill of the Living". Now unless I'm very much mistaken Ellis appears as an extra in several background scenes within some sort of nightclub setting during this episode. Am I right? If not he has a spitting image of a double. There's nothing on IMDB etc to support this of course. I wonder if Ellis would be able to shed some light. Knowing me I'll be wrong! (Wouldn't be the first time)! Thanks.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sorry I haven't looked at this for quite a while, hence the very late response. No I haven't done and 'extra' work since I was a student, so there must be a clone out there! Most of the time these days I'm concerned with helping people to learn about acting - see some of the testimonies on
